- Piotr Czarny is a charming thirty-something lawyer. He is constantly chasing adrenaline, women and parties. His goal was to fill the list of mistresses with names for every letter of the alphabet. His plan is put in jeopardy when a colleague, Olga - the only woman he's completely honest with and doesn't sleep with - gives him an ultimatum.
- 一名高校女孩立志成为电影导演,但她的大学入学分数却始终无法达标。某天,她无意间发现了一卷1998年的神秘录影带,收录当时学姐们正在校庆之夜,与鬼玩捉迷藏游戏,竟然就顺利获得理想成绩。女孩随即找了三个死党跟随学姐脚步:一个力大无穷能扛摄影机、一个则正朝网红之路迈进,还有一个不折不扣的哈日御宅族,她们联手青春出击,势在达成各自梦想,鹏程万里。