搜索 Troy

  • The battle that began in another world is now a war waged on Earth.
  •   花言巧语的小镇青年吉姆在百货公司得到一份看门人的工作,在他当班的第一个晚上发现自己与镇上最富有的商人女儿,也是最漂亮的女孩茱茜一同被锁在店铺内。离家出走的茱茜决心要去洛杉机,不过首先还是的把今晚混过。没多久,一种关系就在两人间发展着,仅仅是在小偷闯入时被打断。
  •   In Notes of Autumn, Ellie (Williams) is a fun-loving, classically trained pianist living in the city who gave up on her passion long ago. She now works for a hotel and always seems to be getting things wrong when musical inspiration strikes. Her best friend, Leo (Macfarlane), lives in the rustic outskirts of British Columbia. He’s a famous author with writer’s block who can’t finish another installment in his highly popular book series. They both need a change of scenery as the chilly days of autumn settle in and decide to swap places, ending up completely lost in new surroundings.  Ellie gets tangled up in helping Leo’s neighbor, Sam (Rosner), put together a musical performance for a local fundraiser and comes to terms with why she quit music years ago. Meanwhile, Leo strikes up a friendship with Ellie’s good friend Matt (Porte) and opens himself up to writing something different that really inspires him. Their newfound friendships turn into something far more meaningful. As both Ellie and Leo take part in the joys of the autumn season, they also discover their hearts belong somewhere very different than they ever thought possible.
  • 纪录片深入探究有关放屁的历史、幽默、社会和人际问题。这个20次艾美奖获奖的纪录片团队的一个主题,我们只是不谈论(但大笑很多),放屁。为什么会引起笑声?在不同的文化中,它是否一直很有趣?男性和女性放屁的区别是什么?为什么会发生?现在是否更能为社会所接受?这是一部长期的纪录片。这个话题有点"古怪",但肯定很有趣。所有人都放屁。在这个问题上,每个人都有相似的情绪、观点和观点。所有人都笑了。这部纪录片完全错误的地方就是被采访的人。他们中有一半没有明显的理由去那里,他们只是随便的人。他们中的大多数人没有什么有趣的话要说。这部纪录片在科学上几乎没有什么价值。
  •   Tom, an aging man whose kids have left home, embarks on reliving his youth with his wife. They engage in wild antics, reminiscing about past adventures while embracing the freedom of their empty nest, surrounded by their animal companions.