搜索 Saldana

  •   佐伊·索尔达娜将主演其丈夫艺术家马可·佩雷戈-索尔达娜执导的影片[锁眼花园](Keyhole Garden,暂译)。本片由里克·拉波扎和佩雷戈-索尔达娜共同撰写剧本。故事讲述一对彼此相爱的男女,努力克服美国南部边境生活的分歧。通过三个交织在一起的故事探索了移民的人性与生命的脆弱:一个小男孩试图拯救他的非法移民朋友免于被驱逐出境;一个移民代理不知不觉地毁灭了一个前情人;一个贩毒集团执行他的最后一个任务。影片将于8月开拍。
  •   卡劳拉和马里奥在骤雨中开着车,他们想去看一间公寓... 在此之前,他们已经看了10几处了. 自从卡劳拉怀孕后, 他们一直想找一间大点的屋子, 这次房产经纪商告诉他们这间公寓会很特别.  但房子给他们的第一印象并不好. 就像这一地区的其他地方一样, 这幢公寓看起来像是被废弃的, 空无一人... 并且地板、楼梯和平台上到处是凌乱的商店橱窗的人体模型的胳膊和脚...  房产经纪商再次说服他们放心,城市在重新规划这个地区. 不久后这里就会很繁荣.而且,楼下还有两户新家庭刚搬进来……
  • 《燃烧的棕榈》是一个关于在一个历史遗留下来的从未被开发的5个地方,那里没有任何的禁忌,发生了充满颠覆性的故事。这是一个太阳永远照耀的神奇地方,而且每个人都非常的漂亮可爱。但是仔细一看,你会发现,事情并不像表面看到的那样。5个混乱的故事即 将发生···《燃烧的棕榈》采用了图画小说的框架,这部电影将在美国洛杉矶的五个很受欢迎的社区制作成一个很有特色的展示板,像是通往黑暗的经常画漫画的命运通道。
  • 由于暴风雪的袭击,机场取消了所有的航班,兄妹斯潘塞(戴连·克里斯托福 Dyllan Christopher 饰)和凯瑟琳(Dominique Saldana 饰)被滞留在了机场内。在航空术语里,斯潘塞和凯瑟琳被称为“UM”,即“无人陪伴的未成年人”,因此,他们被送往了机场专门设置的“UM看护中心”。  在看护中心里,有着许多和兄妹两情况相同的孩子,在那里,兄妹两认识了白富美格蕾丝(Gina Mantegna 饰),假小子多娜(奎恩·谢法德 Quinn Shephard 饰),天才查理(泰勒·詹姆斯·威廉姆 Tyler James Williams 饰)和宅男蒂莫西(布莱特·凯利 Brett Kelly 饰)。由于受不了看护中心内的混乱和吵闹,斯潘塞兄妹和他们的四个小伙伴们决定出逃。
  • Since ancient times, a tribe on the African continent has been prophesying that a white boy will arrive to be their god the Son of the Moon. David, a 12-year-old orphan who lives in Europe, learns about the prophecy and believes that he is the chosen child and that destiny must be fulfilled at any cost. Before David can fulfill his prophecy he must escape the heavily guarded scientific organization that has adopted him. David's strange behavior and the fact that he possesses extrasensory perception, has attracted the attention of an organization researching so-called prodigious beings in the occult tradition. David soon discovers that their goal is to channel the moon's energy into a child yet to be born, robbing him of his rightful place as the Son of the Moon. Two women, Victoria, a member of the center, and Georgina, the future mother of the supposed moonchild, will help David fulfill his destiny. After several attempts David manages to escape the center and undergoes a series of new experiences love, adventure, supernatural events and even death. David is relentlessly pursued, pushing him further towards his goal, towards Africa where his fate awaits him.
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