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  • Released in France as La Kermesse Heroique, Carnival in Flanders is set during the long-ago war between the Dutch and Spanish. A tiny village in Flanders is invaded by Spanish troops. The townsfolk have heard of Spanish cruelties in other towns, and decide to deflect the vanquishers by playing dead. This isn't terribly effective (you have to take a breath once in a while), so the wife of the burgomaster tries to soften up the invaders with a lavish carnival. So successful is this venture that the Spaniards allow the village to escape being decimated, or even taxed. An award-winner many times over, Carnival in Flanders was banned in Germany; evidently, Goebbels caught on that director Jacques Feyder and scenarists Bernard Zimmer and Charles Spaak were drawing deliberate parallels between the Spanish and the then-burgeoning Nazis.
  • Rene is a dedicated warrior-monk of the famed Knights Templar, a religious order whose mission to protect Christian pilgrims has degenerated into a power grab for wealth and influence in the Crusader Kingdom. Disillusioned by the corrupt motives of his superiors, Rene is nearly killed at the disastrous 1187 battle fought at the Horns of Hattin, which wipes out most of the Christian army. He is taken captive on the battlefield by brigands, but escapes and flees into the desert. Saved from starvation by Hasan, a mysterious Muslim traveler, he returns the favor when Hasan is attacked by outriders of Saladin's army. The two take refuge in an isolated oasis, the home of Soheila, widow of a Muslim warrior, and Soheila nurses the severely wounded Hasan back to health.
  • 意大利北部的小镇,俄罗斯军队突破了防线,攻占了城堡,驻地大本营指挥官罗伦索只能率领部下投降,俄罗斯人礼貌地接受了。罗伦索的女儿朱丽塔(又被称为玛奎丝)带着一对儿女多年守寡在家,在逃避军队的时候,险些被敌军士兵侮辱,被俄罗斯军官列特里特伯爵所救。当晚,朱丽塔吃了镇定药昏昏睡去。第二天,罗伦索父女要向伯爵感谢救命之恩,但伯爵已经随军出发。朱丽塔对伯爵很有好感,一直希望能见到他,很快传来噩耗,伯爵战死沙场,朱丽塔十分失落。不久后,朱丽塔精神恍惚,身体不适,所有症状都让她怀疑自己怀孕了。伯爵突然来访,原来他只是负了重伤,他很直接地向朱丽塔求婚。虽然朱丽塔决定不再用自己的幸福再冒第二次险,但经不住父母的劝说和伯爵的殷勤诚意,答应伯爵公务归来后就结婚。几个星期后,朱丽塔怀孕的迹象愈趋明显,医生、助产士都说她肯定是怀孕了,朱丽塔不明所以,精神快要崩溃了。母亲不能容忍这种不清白,父亲更是要断绝关系,朱丽塔被驱逐出家门,来到乡下,被小镇上人称为O女侯爵(为尊者讳)。伯爵回来后,相信她的清白,到乡下再次求婚。朱丽塔拒绝了,她在报纸上登了启事,要孩子的父亲在3号的时候主动出现,她就会嫁给他,不论他的身世家庭。父母终于相信朱丽塔的无辜,把她接回家中,一家人抱头痛哭,和好如初。第二天,令人恐惧的3号,朱丽塔和父母忐忑不安地等待着上天的判决。伯爵,是伯爵出现在门口,朱丽塔无论如何难以接受这个结局,她实在不能接受自己心目中极其绅士有礼的伯爵竟然犯下如此错误,当下再次拒绝和他结婚。父母的安排下,两个人终于结合,不久,孩子出生了,夫妇终于合好,朱丽塔抓住了险些失去的幸福。
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