搜索 Bartram

  • 基于Lauren Redniss所著小说《Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale of Love and Fallout》,聚焦玛丽·居里和皮埃尔·居里夫妻对科学的探索和两人之间的关系。
  • 一位即将毕业的女大学生朱丽叶,经常做迷人的春梦,醒来后和闺蜜萨拉交流性爱观念,决定写一篇关于这个主题的毕业论文。为了体验生活,朱丽叶通过报纸的交友信息,用萨拉的名字和一位叫亚历克斯的先生约会,但亚历克斯并不露面,只是彬彬有礼的指挥朱丽叶按照自己的意思表演,朱丽叶乐此不疲。期间,朱丽叶和一位生活乏味的已婚女人约会,并安排她进行一场奇妙的sex之旅;另外一位人妻为了庆祝丈夫生日,约会朱丽叶,朱丽叶、萨拉和男友到一个夜店去玩,欣赏舞女们的诱人舞蹈,体验不同的生活方式。
  • 基本上是弱智的故事线。有两个优秀的x愛场面与里贾纳罗素 - 在开头和结尾的电影。这85分钟的电影,很容易被浓缩至约20分钟。只能眼睁睁地看着录音的版本,这样你就可以快进THRU。
  • Frank and Stephanie and David and Madeline. Frank and Stephanie are rich Hollywood producers, so bored with their contemporary relationship that they take to spying on their guests via high-tech surveillance equipment. David and Madeline, on the other hand, are still struggling for their first big breaks. He's a screenwriter and she's an actress, which comes in handy when it co... (展开全部)   Frank and Stephanie and David and Madeline. Frank and Stephanie are rich Hollywood producers, so bored with their contemporary relationship that they take to spying on their guests via high-tech surveillance equipment. David and Madeline, on the other hand, are still struggling for their first big breaks. He's a screenwriter and she's an actress, which comes in handy when it comes to convincing Frank and Stephanie to let them use their guesthouse. You see, their relationship is entirely fictitious - designed to help them find decent accomodations while honing their crafts. The truth is they really can't stand each other...
  • 好搭档西蒙·佩吉和尼克·弗罗斯特又合作推新作了,这次将通过两人的厂牌Stolen Picture制作一部超自然题材的恐怖/喜剧剧集《探寻真相者》(Truth Seekers),以三人组成的灵异事件调查小组为主角,每集讲一个灵异事件,该剧的幽默和世界观都会很英式,与索尼电视合作,已经在市面上开始寻找下家。   佩吉说:“这仨本来只是小打小闹,结果一不小心事业还走出国门走向世界了。未知事物的神秘感,这是一种所有人都懂的语言。就像《僵尸肖恩》是很地区性的北部伦敦故事,但每个人都明白丧尸电影这门语言。”   这是Stolen Picture旗下的首部剧集,而旗下首部电影《屠宰场法则》已经拍完,在后期制作中了。佩吉说,这是一部很讽刺的电影,关于英国“自我抛售”,“以及水力压裂技术,释放出了一些可怕的地下恶魔”。   两人演的影剧都不少,也笑称最近“刚把手头的账还清”,但表...
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