- 夜深人静之时,罪恶同花顺利用全新的技术闯入银行抢劫名贵钻石,结果一番激战被蝙蝠侠(Kevin Conroy 配音)、超人(Tim Daly 配音)、神奇女侠(Susan Eisenberg 配音)、绿灯侠(Nathan Fillion 配音)、火星猎人(Carl Lumbly 配音)、闪电侠组成的正义联盟一网打尽,而关于先进技术的来源正义联盟却始终找不到线索。与此同时,豹女、镜子大师、星蓝石等大反派遇到了神秘的旺达尔•萨维奇(Phil Morris 配音)。萨维奇已经活了八万多年,他曾多次成为名垂青史的统治者。如今他希望毁灭并统治世界,而正义联盟无疑是挡在他面前最大的阻碍。他找来这群反派组成毁灭联盟,向正义联盟发起新一轮的挑战
- The Avengers gather to celebrate their latest victory, but their celebration is quickly interrupted by the mysterious disappearance of Black Widow’s father, Red Guardian. As the Avengers investigate, they discover that Red Guardian isn’t the only one missing when they meet a dangerous new foe quite unlike anything they’ve ever encountered before.