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  •   Ernest Hemingway’s influential short story The Killers (1927), has been adapted to film by Robert Siodmak and Andrei Tarkovsky, while Edward Hopper’s painting Nighthawks (1942) is also said to have been inspired by the story. The Killers, an omnibus film comprised of four-shorts, takes motifs from these two classics and borrows some of their imagery as mise-en-scène. The 4 directors unfold the noir world of death and waiting with different senses and sensibilities. Kim Jong-kwan’s Metamorphosis, which depicts the awakening and manifestation of power following bloodsucking; Roh Deok’s Contractors, a pyramid of contract killings and subcontracted labor; Chang Hang-jun’s Everyone is Waiting for the Man, which tracks down a ghostly figure called a mysterious killer; and Lee Myung-Se’s Silent Cinema, an allegory of his longtime dream of cinema and the world. Notably, Actor Shim Eun-kyung appears in all four films, each time in a completely different role, adding to the delight. It’s an unconventional collection of emotional, psychological, and action-oriented films.
  • 本剧改编自海堂尊的《火焰手术刀1990》和《樱色心脏中心1991》,讲述了玩弄人与金钱的恶魔、世界级天才外科医生·天城雪彦(二宫和也 饰演),在澳大利亚黄金海岸心脏中心工作多年,手术技术堪称天才,是心脏冠状动脉搭桥术的世界级大师。另一方面,要接受天城的手术,只能在二选一中碰运气获胜,作为赌注,要求对方财产的一半,因此在医生之间,他被称为“恶魔”。他和6年前在东城大学医学部附属医院的渡海一模一样地站着…
  • 首尔钢琴家林周亨与平壤药学博士韩亚京因选定和平村居民的智能AI系统出现错误而意外同居的故事
  •   从小因父亲重男轻女,贞仁(申惠善 饰演)在中学时就逃家自力更生,与家人断了联系。贞仁后来凭一己之力成为顶级辩护律师,在一次偶然中,她得知罹患老年痴呆症的母亲花子(裴宗玉 饰演)涉嫌杀害父亲,同时还对不少无辜民众下毒手。 怀疑事有蹊翘的贞仁决定亲自出马,在层层阻挠下,她该如何为母亲翻供,揭开这个桩谋杀案背后不可告人的真相?
  • 21世纪灰姑娘故事。文车民是个不相信人的财阀家傲慢王子,也是清潭天堂社交俱乐部的代表。他像石头一样讨厌女人,却意外和新来的梦想成为灰姑娘的申在林纠缠在一起,逐渐明白自己的感情。