搜索 延宇振

  •   Ernest Hemingway’s influential short story The Killers (1927), has been adapted to film by Robert Siodmak and Andrei Tarkovsky, while Edward Hopper’s painting Nighthawks (1942) is also said to have been inspired by the story. The Killers, an omnibus film comprised of four-shorts, takes motifs from these two classics and borrows some of their imagery as mise-en-scène. The 4 directors unfold the noir world of death and waiting with different senses and sensibilities. Kim Jong-kwan’s Metamorphosis, which depicts the awakening and manifestation of power following bloodsucking; Roh Deok’s Contractors, a pyramid of contract killings and subcontracted labor; Chang Hang-jun’s Everyone is Waiting for the Man, which tracks down a ghostly figure called a mysterious killer; and Lee Myung-Se’s Silent Cinema, an allegory of his longtime dream of cinema and the world. Notably, Actor Shim Eun-kyung appears in all four films, each time in a completely different role, adding to the delight. It’s an unconventional collection of emotional, psychological, and action-oriented films.
  • 为了寻找目标、机会和独立,四名农村妇女做起了成人用品生意,并踏上了一段难得的自我探索旅程。   贞淑的推销 | 10 月 12 日, NETFLIX 独家
  •   该剧改编自同名人气小说,讲述独家记者徐贞媛被怀疑是杀人犯,为了摆脱这个难关寻找真相的过程。 由《One Night》李浩导演执导,下半年开拍,明年播出。
  •   “我们都曾在白昼与黑夜之间迷离游走。”  讲述护理师多恩初次接触饱受心魔所苦的病人,逐渐发觉他们深藏的苦痛与故事。  我们是否终能走出黑夜,迎来另一个清晨?
  • 朱蔷薇(韩可露饰)在某天晚上准备向交往已久的男友告白,没想到竟然被孔琪泰(延宇振饰)搅黄了,更没想到这是男友设下的局,朱蔷薇就这样莫名奇妙的“被分手”了。孔琪泰是整形医院院长,至今单身,为了能够更好的掌握自己的财政大权,决定先给妈妈吃定心丸,把自己的“女友”带回家,而他相中的这个“女友”就是冤家朱蔷薇。两个毫无关系的人,就这样开始了他们的“逗比”之旅。