搜索 弗兰克·康罗伊

  • 让是一名性感美艳的女模特,某日,她被发现惨死在公寓里,凶手逃之夭夭。侦探唐(巴里·菲茨杰拉德 Barry Fitzgerald 饰)和助手吉米(唐·泰勒 Don Taylor 饰)负责调查此案,发现看似一目了然的案件,隐藏了种种的疑点。   随着调查的深入,越来越多的嫌疑人的身影浮出了水面,巧合的是,他们都曾经和一宗连环入室抢劫案有着千丝万缕的关联。当年抢劫案的真相成为了解开这次事件的关键的钥匙。又一宗入室抢劫案发生了,这次的罪魁祸首亦是被害人,唐和吉米终于逮住了隐藏在重重线索背后的关键人物——一个名叫薇利的男人,他的行踪目前仍然隐藏在迷雾之中。
  • Evelyn Prentice is the respected wife of a high-profile New York attorney. Despite the prestige and status she enjoys, she feels neglected and out of boredom becomes involved with an unscrupulous womanizing poet, who gives her the attention she craves. She eventually finds herself a victim of blackmail and becomes involved in his murder. When another woman is accused of the crime, she begs her husband to defend her.
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