搜索 尤娜·默克尔

  • Evelyn Prentice is the respected wife of a high-profile New York attorney. Despite the prestige and status she enjoys, she feels neglected and out of boredom becomes involved with an unscrupulous womanizing poet, who gives her the attention she craves. She eventually finds herself a victim of blackmail and becomes involved in his murder. When another woman is accused of the crime, she begs her husband to defend her.
  • 刘别谦初嚐美高梅大製作的派头,一切笔法更神采飞扬。开敞的场景、空前的排场让人物里里外外恣意张开:寡妇的心更显孤独,男女的爱更加没处安放。坐拥小国大部分财富的寡妇忽然要搬到巴黎重新寻找生活色彩,国王唯恐国祚不保来一招美男计,派出风流种子色诱寡妇。本来一个用情一个求性,几番邂逅与折腾,改写了男男女女的基本需要。歌与舞没有卖弄甜腻,反而放在爱情的沉重中换来了歌颂。歌与影无间交流,刘别谦轻歌剧巅峰之作,亦成了荷里活极有代表性的一章。司花利亚与珍娜.麦当奴最后一次合作,后者散发从未有过的成熟韵味。堪称最性感的音乐剧。
  • Alma自小便爱上了年轻的邻居John。可是,他的身边经常都有不同的女子。虽然他也喜欢她,但她坚信「爱情要灵欲合一,不可随便」的信念,却让他们的关系一直保持著一个微妙的距离,总是介乎情人与朋友之间。直到这年的夏天,两人终於有机会走到生命里,最接近的一步……
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