搜索 Na

  • 在一个熙熙攘攘的公交车站,两个来自截然不同社会阶层的男人相遇。一个享受着富裕的生活,另一个则在努力应对生活的挑战。他们一起踏上了一段充满幽默和意外冒险的旅程。
  • Trey 和 Silas 是一对可爱而堕落的 Juggalos,在 Trey 因一些愚蠢的事情在监狱里度过了一年之后,他们重聚了。为了庆祝他的自由,并兜售他们的说唱演示,这对搭档开始了他们永恒的旅程,前往邪恶的小丑天堂:Juggalos 聚会。这是地球上这些不合群的人感到被接受的唯一地方。当然,他们的旅程绝非易事。他们走错了出口,进入了一个糟糕的世界。他们遇到了一个精神病警长、一个拖车公园公主、一群神秘的乡巴佬和一个服用了军用级 LSD 的善良警察。
  •   Thou Gild'st the Evenis about the ordinary sorrows, worries, and troubles of the townsmen with extraordinary abilities. In a small Anatolian town, life goes on; Cemal is an assistant referee in football matches, Yasemin works in an egg factory, Defne is a street vendor who sells books, Doctor Irfan is occupied with his patients. In this town with two suns and three full moons in the sky, Cemal -who can see through walls- has no expectation out of life and looks for a way out with Yasemin -who can move objects remotely with her fingers- as he was trying to deal with his distress. However, Defne, who can freeze time will muddle things up; Yasemin's immortal boss's actions will contradict the invisible elementary school teacher's advices who is trying to ease the worries of Cemal.  —iksv
  • 该剧时间设定在《刺猬索尼克2》与《刺猬索尼克3》之间,纳克鲁斯(伊德里斯·艾尔巴 Idris Elba 配音)同意收韦德·威波(亚当·佩里 Adam Pally 配音)为徒、并将他训练成真正的针鼹战士。
  •   故事发生在2012年12月,一家人正在度假。没想到根据玛雅预言,2012年的12月21日,正是世界末日,玛雅人的日历也到那天为止,再没有下一页。人类要如何才能阻止一切被毁灭呢?