搜索 黛穆拉·苏奈马

  •   Thou Gild'st the Evenis about the ordinary sorrows, worries, and troubles of the townsmen with extraordinary abilities. In a small Anatolian town, life goes on; Cemal is an assistant referee in football matches, Yasemin works in an egg factory, Defne is a street vendor who sells books, Doctor Irfan is occupied with his patients. In this town with two suns and three full moons in the sky, Cemal -who can see through walls- has no expectation out of life and looks for a way out with Yasemin -who can move objects remotely with her fingers- as he was trying to deal with his distress. However, Defne, who can freeze time will muddle things up; Yasemin's immortal boss's actions will contradict the invisible elementary school teacher's advices who is trying to ease the worries of Cemal.  —iksv
  • Netflix 推出了扣人心弦的文献片《帝国的崛起:奥斯曼》
  • 25-year-old Sibel lives with her father and sister in a secluded village in the mountains of Turkey's Black Sea region. Sibel is a mute, but she communicates by using the ancestral whistled language of the area. Rejected by her fellow villagers, she relentlessly hunts down a wolf that is said to be prowling in the neighbouring forest, sparking off fears and fantasies among the village women. There she crosses path with a fugitive. Injured, threatening and vulnerable, he is the first one to take a fresh look at her.
  • 口哨声响遍土耳其偏乡的高山低谷,是村民隔空传话,也是哑女与人沟通唯一途径。贵为村长爱女,虽免戴头巾的规范,却难避众人鄙夷目光。奔走山岭,希望射杀野狼以赢得尊重,不料被神秘负伤男子突袭,肉体心灵亦一并被俘虏。饿狼传说令人心惶惶,未及父权社会的封建巨灵,更令少女恐惧。一趟北部之旅与坚毅女子偶遇,启发辛却斯与佐凡尼提谱写这现实、梦幻与民间神话交织的故事,以自由呼啸,为独立自强的女性呐喊。
  •   Netflix 推出了扣人心弦的文献片《帝国的崛起:奥斯曼》  全球领先的娱乐服务公司 Netflix 透露了全新文献片《帝国的崛起:奥斯曼》的首批细节。此剧集由杰姆·伊伊特·乌聚莫格卢、塞利姆·巴伊拉克塔尔、比尔康·索库尔卢、奥斯曼·索南和图芭·布尤库斯滕等土耳其知名演员担任主演,将于 2020 年 1 月 24 日在 Netflix 上面向全球上线。  此节目由 Karga Seven 联合 STX Entertainment 共同出品,还邀请了教授兼博士 A·M·杰拉尔·森戈尔和埃姆拉赫·萨法·居尔坎博士等备受赞誉的历史学家加盟。《帝国的崛起:奥斯曼》在伊斯坦布尔的多个地区取景拍摄,由埃姆雷·萨欣担任导演,共有 6 集。
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