  • 徒手格斗的经典作品,以生死为赌注的地下擂台赛,非常过瘾!在全国空手道竞赛中,一位系白带的少年——刃牙,居然轻易地击败了连续三次夺得空手道冠军的末堂选手……究竟这个来历不明的小子是谁呢?刃牙的独门格斗技巧,造成格斗界极大的震撼,也吸引各地高手前来向他挑战,一场一场令人血脉沸腾的激战展开了……血淋淋、赤裸裸!激发原始兽性,充满官能刺激的战斗!
  • 人造人沙鲁战役过后,地球终于迎来了宝贵的和平,而骗子撒旦作为拯救了世界的英雄受到全人类的爱戴。世界首富钱多多为了给宝贝儿子庆生,出巨资举行了新一届的天下第一比武大会,成功晋级的选手有望和钱多多请来的四名所谓的外星人对决,最终获胜者还可以得到挑战撒旦的殊荣。此外,胜利者将得到一亿元奖金和环游世界的机会。超高的荣誉和报酬,连Z战士也坐不住了,纷纷报名参加。当然悟饭(野泽雅子 饰)、特兰克斯等人的出现,让撒旦心惊胆颤。一番较量过后,悟饭等人顺利晋级,但是等待他们的却是无比凶残和强大的宇宙人。  意想不到的敌人,地球新的危机出现……
  • 某一天,平静祥和的南葛市迎来了一名新的成员,他叫大空翼,是一个热爱足球的小学生。身为船长的父亲常年出海,足球就是他最好的玩伴。在此他结识石崎、大姐头等真诚的玩伴,也遇到了球场上最初的对手若林源三。随着大空翼的加入,往常在球场上名不见经传的南葛小学开始崭露头角,最终得以进入全日本少年足球大赛。在这里,大空翼遇到了无数强劲的对手,三杉淳、立花兄弟、若岛津健、日向小次郎。他们不仅是技战术精湛的强悍敌手,更是大空翼日后率领日本队征战全世界时最亲密的伙伴。少年们在烈日下尽情挥洒喜悦的汗水……  本片根据高桥阳一同名漫画改编。
  • This season began merely two whole weeks after the first season had ended, on April 19, 2008, with the airing of The Elite Guard, and ended on July 5, 2008, with the two-parter, A Bridge Too Close. The season revolved mainly around the Autobots in the aftermath of Megatron's return, trying to restore the city and their image. Meanwhile, Megatron, Lugnut, and Blitzwing have captured Prof. Sumdac in order to build a Space Bridge, hoping to use it to conquer a weakened Cybertron from within. A sub-plot also focuses on Sari as she searches for her father, while learning that there is no record of her existence of any means. Also, Blackarachnia (originally Elita One) has been reduced to a minor recurring character, only appearing in one episode of the entire season (Black Friday).
  • The third season began on March 14, 2009 with the three-part premiere, Transwarped, and ended on May 23, 2009. This season following the events of Transwarped focused on the Autobots' attempt to reach Cybertron in order to warn the Autobot High Council of Shockwave, who has been masquerading as Autobot Intelligence Officer Longarm Prime. Meanwhile, Megatron, Starscream, Shockwave (who replaces Blitzwing as a main character), and Lugnut plan to use the colossal Autobot Omega Supreme for constructing clones of him (dubbed as Lugnut Supremes, as they appear similar to Lugnut).