- Tiana, Moana, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Ariel are off on an adventure as they are each unexpectedly transported to a mysterious castle. Shortly after arriving, they soon discover that Gaston has hatched an evil plan to take over all their kingdoms!. The Princess characters must work together to solve challenges hidden deep within the castle walls and try to save their kingdoms ...
- 故事紧接着上一集发展着。温蒂(凯斯·索西 Kath Soucie 配音)已经长大成人,并且拥有了自己的家庭和孩子。过去如梦似幻的回忆始终是她汲取精神养分的田地,并且她十分乐意将这个故事告诉她的下一代。 作为温蒂的孩子,小飞侠的故事丹尼(安德鲁·麦克多诺 Andrew McDonough 配音)和珍(哈丽特·欧文 Harriet Owen 配音)已经听了无数遍。对于妈妈口中的奇遇和冒险,丹尼坚信不疑,可珍就没这么单纯了,她觉得这只是妈妈编出来哄他们高兴的故事罢了。让珍没有想到的是,故事中的虎克船长(科里·伯顿 Corey Burton 配音)竟然真的现身了,不仅如此,他还把珍绑架到了梦幻岛。小飞侠和小叮当的故事再度开演。