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  • 二战结束后,思乡心切的大批美军士兵踏上旧金山港即投进久候的亲人的怀抱,但保罗?萨顿(基努?里维斯)久等仍不见其妻子的踪影,夕阳西沉时,他拖着孤单落寞的身躯走回家中,发现妻子早已改变,她的眼里只剩金钱不再有他。   眼看家中已毫无温情,保罗也无心留恋,只是他再次外出离家是为工作。在火车上,保罗结识美丽的姑娘维多利亚?阿拉贡(Aitana Sánchez-Gijón),因为投缘,保罗将她一路细心照顾,而维多利亚在感激之余,向保罗倾诉了自己的不幸,听过她的遭遇后,保罗决定陪她返回家乡,尽其所能帮助她。
  •   如果伤痛能够像壁虎的尾巴,重新愈合……过失杀人,隐藏罪责,这个命题作文真是已经被拍了无数电影。本片将故事移到了浪漫南法,五个女人一起上演了一出悬疑大剧。
  • Two villages in Rayalaseema, Nallagudi and Kommadi are engaged in a feud for decades lead by Basi Reddy and Narapa Reddy respectively. The son of Narapa Reddy, Veera Raghava Reddy, returns from London after completing his education. Basi Reddy attacks and kills Narapa Reddy on their way home. Raghava instinctively takes a sword and kills his opponents. After talking to his grandmother about the feud, he realizes that violence became a way of life for the people in these villages and he leaves for Hyderabad seeking a solution to the feud. Raghava meets Aravindha in Hyderabad and falls in love with her. She strongly believes in solving problems without bloodshed and sets him on a path of self-discovery. He decides to return to his village and put an end to the feud.
  •   Bernhard, the father of Julian, Dick and Anne organized an exhibition to Egypt. Here, discover the friends after an attempted burglary an old gold amulet. So they fly with Elena, a colleague of his father, to Cairo. In Cairo Julian's father falls into a trap and is then accused of theft. Until the trial, he goes to jail. The five are trying to prove innocence Bernard and take Auni, a young pickpocket to help. This raises the question of whether they can liberate Bernhard.
  • 阿黛尔·艾克萨勒霍布洛斯、诺亚·阿比塔([艾娃])、穆斯塔法·因宾格([阿敏])格将主演蕾雅·梅西斯([艾娃])执导的第二部长片[五个恶魔](Les Cinq Diables,暂译)。影片由梅西斯与保罗·圭哈姆共同执笔,故事围绕7岁的女孩维琪展开。她与父母住在法国的一个小山村,毗邻一个被称为“五个恶魔”的大湖。小女孩与她的母亲过于亲近,以至于父亲在家庭中很难找到自己的位置。但当维琪的姨妈朱莉娅到来,她们间的亲密纽带就此被破坏。影片将于3月16日-4月10日在法国伊泽尔拍摄,并将在巴黎拍摄到5月19日。