搜索 Hu

  • 这部动画剧的场景非常丰富:「鲍勃汉堡店」的隔壁是一家带火葬场的殡仪馆;街道尽头是旅游码头;几个街区外是市属中学,Bob和Linda的孩子们就在那里读书;街对面是Bob的竞争对手Jimmy Pesto开设的披萨饼店,匹萨对汉堡的大战每天都在上演。
  • 加菲猫是一只把所有的时间都花在吃东西、看电视、睡觉上面的一只大胖猫。它的主人则是一个懒散的年轻人,他还拥有一只整天只知道吐舌头和追汽车的小狗——欧第。当然,欧第就成了加菲每天玩弄的对象。这一系列的动画片就是围绕着一只肥猫、一条傻狗和一个整天迷迷糊糊的主人展开的。
  • This season began merely two whole weeks after the first season had ended, on April 19, 2008, with the airing of The Elite Guard, and ended on July 5, 2008, with the two-parter, A Bridge Too Close. The season revolved mainly around the Autobots in the aftermath of Megatron's return, trying to restore the city and their image. Meanwhile, Megatron, Lugnut, and Blitzwing have captured Prof. Sumdac in order to build a Space Bridge, hoping to use it to conquer a weakened Cybertron from within. A sub-plot also focuses on Sari as she searches for her father, while learning that there is no record of her existence of any means. Also, Blackarachnia (originally Elita One) has been reduced to a minor recurring character, only appearing in one episode of the entire season (Black Friday).
  • In this season, the show went back to airing one new episode a week, but stayed in the hour-length format, filling up the second half-hour with episodes from previous seasons and some of the prime-time specials from the 1980s. This entire season, along with the second half of season 6, is available on Garfield and Friends Volume 5 DVD set. Also worth noting is that here, a new theme song was added that was written by J.R. Johnston and Neil Panton. The theme was sung by J.R. Johnston. This theme song was not shown internationally, and as a result, it does not appear on the DVDs (although Garfield's quotations are kept intact). This new introduction sequence used most clips from Seasons 5-7 and a few from the first two seasons, as well as Garfield in Paradise and Garfield's Feline Fantasies. The episodes stopped using a few seconds of the theme playing in the episode title cards after season seven's fourth episode; music from the episodes were used in the title cards until the show ended, even though season six used music from some of their episodes.
  • 这是一部由亚当里德(Adam meijubar.net Reed)制作的时长30分钟的动画喜剧。讲述的是发生在一家国际情报机构ISIS的故事。在危机席卷全球的时刻,这对ISIS训练有素的员工而言恰恰是一个彼此勾结、破坏、背叛的机会。   男星乔恩·本杰明(Jon Benjamin)担任剧中温文尔雅而又缺乏男子气概的间谍主管Sterling Archer的配音,杰西卡·沃尔特(Jessica Walter)担任他盛气凌人的母亲兼老板Malory的配音工作,阿伊莎·泰勒(Aisha Tyler)在剧中为他的前女友——间谍Lana Kane配音,朱迪·格里尔(Judy Greer)则为Malory的秘书Chery担任配音。