搜索 Sen

  •   当一群退役军人被雇来找回一袋丢失的赃款时,他们的任务变得更加困难,因为一个孤独的猎人首先发现了这个袋子。
  • 改編自丹麥金獎同名暢銷小說,瑪麗的愛人拉斯穆斯因工作關係決定搬離哥本哈根,搬到丹麥西日德蘭半島,瑪麗的生活因此發生了翻天覆地的變化,瑪麗不情願地與拉斯穆斯一起搬到多風的小鎮──韋林。雖然拉斯穆斯很快地就融入了當地的生活,但對瑪麗卻與當地格格不入。後來,隨著她逐漸學會多聽少說,也開始為當地報紙提供的建議專欄,她逐漸意識到自己可能需要韋林,就像韋林需要她一樣。
  • An exiting phantasmagorical mystic tale set in classical St. Petersburg. A girl Ksyusha is adopted into a family of a writer and an artist. She finally got fortunate. But having been in a car accident, the girl finds herself in the Dark City, where along with her magical assistant Paramon, she must overcome evil witchcraft and rewind the city clock to stop the Witch and her bla...
  • 一名生殖医学医生喝醉酒,竟用前男友的精子为自己人工授精。这下她怀孕了却有理说不清,只好想办法把对方追回来。
  • Eccentric scientist Harper lives in a spooky mansion with all the trimmings: hidden lab, secret panels, inscrutable butler, and greedy relatives with unusual talents. When Harper seems to be murdered, Charlie Chan (with the uninvited help of No. 4 son) tries to answer such questions as Where's the body? How can a dead man walk? And how can a secret murder be done in full view o...