搜索 Yekaterina

  • Nikolai Markin, a police captain, is sent on a mission into the taiga, in the colony. But to get to the place he was not fated: just a few kilometers away from the barbed wire he sees prisoners who escaped from behind bars. Without a moment's hesitation, Markin is sent to the chase, having with them no victuals, no map, no equipment. Soon the captain says that he himself someon...
  • 1944年,二战已接近尾声,在东部的苏德战场上,红军为了摧毁法西斯的最后抵抗,派出了以特拉夫金中尉(Igor Petrenko 饰)为首的七人侦察队,他们将要深入敌后,去摸清敌人的兵力部署。这次凶险的任务已经导致多名战士牺牲,但勇敢的侦察队员们毅然出发了,临行前,特拉夫金与通信兵卡佳(Yekaterina Vulichenko 饰)约定,用“星星”和“大地”作为彼此在电波中联络的暗号。侦察队顺利的潜入敌后,并陆续传回有价值的情报,意识到侦察队威胁的德军方面如临大敌,派出重兵封锁交通,导致侦察队蒙受巨大损失。特拉夫金面对失去战友跟电台的局面,却决定继续前行,完成自己最后的任务……   本片获2002年翁弗勒尔俄罗斯电影节大奖等多项褒奖。
  • 一个侽人和一个钕人,侽的是搞摄影的,US人,钕的是法国人,跟随侽人来到加利福尼亚的沙漠里寻寻拍摄景地。祂们像是一对恋人,又不十分像,没别的事做时两人就狠狠地xing交,或争吵,甚至大打出手。说不清祂们是在相嗳,还是彼此憎恶,就这样粘在一起,互相折磨着。 两人在一个叫做;29棕榈镇 的荒凉小城住丅
  •   Louis is a brooding loner who lives with two large white dogs in a forest near the French-Swiss border. His estranged son Sidney lives with his wife in a village nearby. Louis is carrying on an affair with the local pharmacist and carrying a torch for a beautiful, feral local dog breeder. He suffers a mild heart attack, and buys a new heart on the black market. Then he travels to South Korea, where he buys a boat and sails it to his former home, a dilapidated shack on a remote island south of Tahiti. His dream is to find the son he sired decades earlier when he lived there. However, once he is settled, his body begins to reject the alien heart.
  • 王储亚历山大(Dmitri Isayev 饰)在一次偶然之中邂逅了美丽的宫女奥尔加(Marina Kazankova 饰),然而,奥尔加的出身实在是太过于卑微了,两人之间的感情遭到了沙皇尼古拉的强烈反对的,他想出了各种方法,只为了拆散这对爱侣 。安娜(叶莲娜·科里科娃 Yelena Korikova 饰)是科尔夫男爵的养女,在化装舞会上,她被精心安排一展美妙的歌喉,意在吸引亚历山大的注意,令他忘记奥尔加。  与此同时,科尔夫男爵的亲生儿子弗拉基米尔(丹尼尔·斯特拉霍夫 Daniil Strakhov 饰)对安娜非常的厌恶,他总觉得父亲偏心于她而忽略了自己,他打心眼里看不起安娜。
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