- 筹备快七年,由“《大小谎言》组姐妹”Reese Witherspoon和Laura Dern参与开发的《微小美丽的事物》(Tiny Beautiful Things)终于获得Hulu正式八集预订,这部半小时喜剧也邀请到了《旺达·幻视》Kathryn Hahn领衔主演,《星星之火》主创Liz Tigelaar担任主创。 Reese和Laura以及本剧原著作者Cheryl Strayed相识于《涉足荒野》的拍摄中,当时两人相中了Liz的这本书,并迅速敲定了改编权;2015年,两人将这个项目带到了HBO,并邀请Cheryl和她的老公参与改编。不过最终两人在《大小谎言》才实现再合作(也同时拥有Liane Moriaty另本书的影视改编企划),这个项目却没有了下文。如今Hulu的参与,也最终为这本书的改编之路带来一个全新的起点。 本书在2012年推出后,就登上...
- Astrid Nielsen, works in the library of the judicial police. Suffering from Asperger's syndrome, however, she has an incredible memory, so she is very useful in analyzing the files for ongoing investigations. The district commander, having noticed this ability, decides to use it to the fullest, entrusting her with very complex investigations which have remained unsolved to date. In addition, also to reciprocate, he will try to help Astrid on the behavioral side, in order to provide mutual help.