搜索 Vasilyev

  • 影片讲述了凯和格尔达生活在一个安静舒适的小镇上,几个强大的冰怪物突然降临到这个小镇,冻结了所有的居民,但是,冰雪公主伊拉挺身而出,和伙伴们一起最终再次封印了冰怪物们,整个小镇的居民们也终于从冰冷的束缚中解放出来的故事。
  • 影片讲述了凯和格尔达生活在一个安静舒适的小镇上,几个强大的冰怪物突然降临到这个小镇,冻结了所有的居民,但是,冰雪公主伊拉挺身而出,和伙伴们一起最终再次封印了冰怪物们,整个小镇的居民们也终于从冰冷的束缚中解放出来的故事。
  • 这条总路线也被称为“新旧”(Staroye i Novoye),它在一首关于农业集体化进程的史诗般颂歌中阐明了列宁所说的国家从农业文化向工业文化转变的迫切性。
  • 这是一部很特殊的战争题材电影,它真实地描写了德占区人民的悲惨遭遇和场面,以及人们面对突如其来的灾难的恐惧,反映了战争的真实面目。它既不同于《斯大林格勒保卫战》、《攻占柏林》这些正面战场的血肉横飞、排山倒海、摧枯拉朽,也不同与《这里的黎明静悄悄》、《星》所描写的局部战斗中体现的平凡悲壮,更不是战地浪漫曲,而是降临在平民百姓头上血淋淋的残酷。影片的事件和恐怖场面远超过任何一部描写德军集中营的电影,令人毛骨悚然,提醒胆小和心软者慎看。
  • This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job. It is told with humour (much of it quite subtle, almost surreal, and in the background - imagine a street scene where everyone on the sidewalk on one side of the road walks in just one direction, and on the other side in the other), poignancy, and a frequent breaking of the 4th wall between the movie and the audience (think of what happens in Shakespeare's plays, and you'll be close). It also features some songs by Novella Matveyeva, a famous Russian singer-songwriter (her songs are sung by the leading actress).
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