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  •   Faced with the prospect of a dim future in his impoverished village, young Shankar bids farewell to his family in rural Bengal and makes a journey to the fabled "Mountain Of The Moon" in search of gold and diamond mines.
  •   Wonderfully archived, and told with a remarkable sense of intimacy, visual style, and musical panache, Susanne Rostock's inspiring biographical documentary, SING YOUR SONG, surveys the life and times of singer, actor, and activist Harry Belafonte. From his rise to fame as a singer--inspired by Paul Robeson--and his experiences touring a segregated country, to his provocative crossover into Hollywood, Belafonte's groundbreaking career personifies the American civil rights movement and impacted many other social-justice movements. Rostock reveals Belafonte as a tenacious hands-on activist who worked intimately with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., mobilized celebrities for social justice, participated in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, and took action to counter gang violence, imprisonment, and the incarceration of youth.
  • 阳光明媚的一天,平凡女孩卡拉·罗宾逊(凯蒂·道格拉斯 Katie Douglas 饰)正在自家院子里劳作。突然,一辆神色汽车停在路边,推销员模样的男人(克里斯蒂安·布鲁恩 Kristian Bruun 饰)打开车门,热情地跟女孩打着招呼。可当他走近卡拉身边时,却意外掏出一把手枪顶住女孩。男人示意卡拉不要声张,随后逼迫她钻进自己车里。车里早已放置了巨大的收纳箱,女孩被迫钻了进去,随后还被男人绑住手脚,堵住嘴巴,一路辗转来到男人的家里。男人凶狠毒辣,扭曲变态,他命令女孩要完全听命于自己,并且称自己为爸爸,接着对其发泄自己的兽欲。   危难当头,卡拉只能想方设法敷衍应付眼前的恶魔,同时找准一切时机逃离魔窟……
  • 《太空堡垒卡拉狄加:计划》的剧情讲述的是电视剧中没有交代过的一些事情,故事集中在几个未暴露身份的Cylon身上,将以Cylon人自己的视角,来阐述Cylon对人类实施核灭族的动机和观点。
  • Akil (KIL), a quiet and depressed young man sees suicide as an solution though he never succeeds in pulling it off. A chance encounter brings him face to face with the "Life Action Bureau" or LAB, an organization that will help him end his life. But after being bound to LAB's terms and conditions, he meets pretty and vivacious Zara with whom he eventually falls in love with and...