搜索 Stef

  • 空手道和 K1 冠军克劳迪奥·德尔法尔科 (Claudio Del Falco) 准备参加他的最后一场比赛,这是一场令人难忘的赛事,全球直播,奖金为 1000 万欧元。这笔巨额奖金对犯罪组织头目阿法 (Apha) 来说很有诱惑力,趁克劳迪奥忙于战斗时,他带着残忍凶猛的手下闯入他的别墅,劫持了他的第二任妻子卡米拉 (Camila) 为人质,却不知道别墅里还有 14 岁的女儿萨拉。当克劳迪奥得知阿尔法 (Alpha) 对他第一任妻子的死负有责任时,他抓住了萨拉,并决定独自面对整个组织以报仇。
  •   Reeling from her husband's affair, Rose collides with a marooned teenager in a boarded-up Delaware beach town.  Devastated by the news of her husband's affair and convulsed by waves of grief and rage, twenty something Rose (Greta Gerwig)-vengeful, a bit unhinged, and still clad in her pajama bottoms-drives to a sleepy seaside town in Delaware intent on finding her spouse's lover. Climbing into an old lighthouse on the beach to swill a six-pack of beer, Rose stumbles upon a sleeping British teenager (Olly Alexander) whom she wakes and insists on taking somewhere. Stranded by some unknown party, the chatty, ludicrously attired youth accompanies Rose to a brewery where "the other woman" was recently employed and then to her parents' summer getaway house, slowly attuning to her anguish. As the grey winter days roll by, the mismatched pair embark on a series of frolicsome adventures-English dance lessons, role-playing in public-that bring them into closer quarters, igniting a bittersweet, perhaps imaginary romance.  This quirky romantic comedy follows Rose (Greta Gerwig), whose life changes after discovering her husband s affair. She later crosses paths with a marooned teenager in a boarded-up Delaware beach town and begins a delicate friendship. This engaging and insightful film will make audiences appreciate change for better and worse.
  • 米歇尔人到中年,是一位风韵犹存的单身母亲,面对工作压力和女儿的升学问题,米歇尔虽有床伴,但两性生活一直不尽人意。有一次和女儿在餐厅吃饭,偶然结识一位陌生男子瑞恩,在他的带领下,米歇尔不如意的性生活得到满足并借由SM逐步打开性幻想。直到有一天米歇尔回家,意外发现瑞恩和她女儿进行SM、在床上缠绵……
  • 当扑克玩家到达谷底时,他会招募他最好的朋友来进行一场高赌注的抢劫。看了这部电影,我从始至终都粘在屏幕上.人物构成很好,对话非常有力.演员选得很好,故事很有意思,我特别喜欢专注于赌博的危险。非常好的导演制作的简单故事,使非常容易观看。他们中的一个。
  •   The film tells the story of four raw facing different situations of life: love, heartache and endless tragicomic adventures .