搜索 Santiago

  • 二战尾声,意大利北境阿尔卑斯山,遗世独立小村内,战火未实际波及,成年男性却逃不过上战场的命运。物资缺乏,老教师仍开班授课,学生不分年龄。他们一家十口,每日劳动、祷告,听古典乐,过着周而复始的恬静日常,直到西西里逃兵闯入,扰乱了家中女孩们的心绪。季节更替,万物生灭,雪融带来暖意,也让秘密浮现,当战争结束的好消息终于传来,这一家要面临的冲击才将开始。
  •   故事背景设定在 19 世纪中叶的美国西部,描述了 1863 年,美国西进运动的马车队中,玛莎一家穷得只有马车上的一点生活必需品,玛莎从小就对骑马驾车和冒险感兴趣,她与姑娘们格格不入,同时又因为练习做体力活而受到男孩嘲笑。玛莎的父亲在驯马时受了重伤,她必须负起驾着他们家马车与照料马匹的责任。因为和男孩打架受到欺负,玛莎剪短头发穿上裤子决定和男孩们一争高低,谁知车队被窃,众人在气愤中一口认定是这个叛逆的小女孩带来了窃贼和灾祸。玛莎推断出窃贼不会走太远,为了澄清误解,她只身骑马出发,以一个男孩的模样踏上了冒险的旅程。这一边,拓荒者的车队即将经过最危险的无人区,这一带从来没有人能活着离开,他们急需熟悉地形的向导。玛莎还不知道,自己在一路险象环生中锻炼的技能将来还要经历更大的考验。
  •   Mexico is one of the world’s most dangerous countries for journalists. But courageous reporters continue to do their work regardless; without the press there would be no one revealing the extent to which crime and politics are intermingled. The judicial system hides behind claims of insufficient evidence to prosecute crimes, while journalists are the ones who provide such evidence.  In State of Silence four journalists discuss their work. One of them investigates illegal logging and environmental pollution, while another writes about police violence against migrants attempting to cross the border. The risks are great, and threats are commonplace. Almost 200 reporters have disappeared or been murdered since 2000.  A law was passed under President López Obrador enabling journalists and human rights activists to seek refuge in the US—but doesn’t leaving everything that you love behind you, mean the criminals have won? Some of the journalists return to Mexico because their work is too important. “When a journalist is murdered,” says one of them, “society’s right to be informed dies, too.”
  • 麦琪和尼根来到了一个世界末日后的曼哈顿,很久以前就与大陆隔绝了。这座城市里到处都是死者和居民,他们把纽约变成了自己的世界。