搜索 Presley

  •   LIFE ON TOP is a new erotic television series exploring the sex-filled adventures of four young women striving to make it in Manhattan.  Sophie, an ambitious but na?ve business school graduate who just broke up with her college boyfriend, moves to New York intent on making her mark at a venture capital firm. She's shocked when she arrives at her older sister Bella's fabulous city apartment and discovers that gorgeous, confident and outgoing Bella is also a very successful and much in demand erotic model with plenty of scandalous secrets to reveal. But Bella, who is not as tough as she seems, is also facing the reality of the limited lifespan of her beauty-obsessed profession and yearning for a more stable and meaningful relationship with that one special person.  While Sophie is still burdened with some old-fashioned ideas about sexuality, she's also envious of Bella's glamorous, liberated girl-about-town lifestyle. And then there's all those beautiful new people she'll get to meet. There's so much more to learn about life and love from an ever-expanding group of vibrant, sexually-charged girlfriends and the men who hover around them.  LIFE ON TOP is based on the upcoming St. Martin's novel by Clara Darling.
  • 最近,一位单身女性害怕回到她路易斯安那州的家乡过圣诞节,因为她发现她的前男友将和他的新女友在一起。
  • 一棟經營不善的鬼屋面臨倒閉的命運,屋主突發奇想,邀請一群倒楣的年輕人到鬼屋探險過夜,並安排許多嚇人的節目要讓他們永生難忘。受到屋主的慫恿,他們玩起了「碟仙」遊戲,原本無心的玩鬧卻意外釋放了強大的惡靈,肆意殘殺在場的人,鬼屋瞬間成了人間煉獄。倖存下來的人只能和屋主互相合作,在惡靈抓住他們之前逃出生天。
  • In I'll Be Watching, after her tech genius husband (Bob Morley) leaves on a work trip, Julie (Eliza Taylor), still mourning the loss of her sister, is trapped in their new, isolated home and must fight her own fears to stay alive.
  •   一名危险的杀手(尼尔·麦克唐纳饰)的任务是追捕一名少年,他目睹了自己的哥哥被无情的南方罪魁祸首(迈克尔·库德利兹饰)谋杀。雇佣的枪必须在敌手或联邦调查局先找到那个男孩之前找到他。随着时间的流逝,杀手开始质疑他的致命方式,必须选择他属于哪一方。
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