搜索 Prabhakar

  •   Two young sisters find that all the mirrors in their estranged aunt's house are covered or hidden. When one of them happens upon a mirror in the basement, she unknowingly releases a malicious demon.
  • In the suburban neighborhood of Mumbai, a wall separates the haves and the have-nots. Sudhir and Seema, a newly married middle class couple, live a life without hardship while Vishwas, a slum dweller, dreams of dignity for his people. Their lives collide as post nightfall the town fills up with ominous cries and moans that don't belong to people - they belong to zombies .
  • Kathir 在 Dindigul 担任 IT 专业人士,为了参加他哥哥的婚礼,她在假期访问了他的村庄,却发现婚礼已被取消。当亲戚们知道与凯瑟尔的哥哥订婚的女人实际上是凯瑟尔的女朋友时,事情变得出乎意料地迅速。
  •   华莉丝(莉亚•科贝德 Liya Kebede 饰)出生在索马里的沙漠和母亲过着游牧民族的生活。在三岁时,华莉丝按照索马里习俗就被施以女性割礼。十二岁时父亲为了得到五头骆驼,要将华莉丝嫁给六十岁的老叟。就在出嫁前夜,华莉丝在母亲的默许下,在沙漠中徒步很久投奔摩加迪沙的外祖母,也在外祖母那里获得了去给当时索马里驻英国大使夫人的姨妈作女佣的机会。到英国后不久,索马里爆发战争,旧政府被推翻,华莉丝趁乱再次出逃大使馆而流浪英国街头。  华莉丝在街头邂逅了收留自己的玛丽莲(莎莉•霍金斯 Sally Hawkins 饰),跟着又在打工的餐厅里遇到伯乐,最终被发掘成为世界名模,并投身于妇女解放事业。  电影《沙漠之花》是根据出生于索马里的黑人模特华莉丝•迪里的自传畅销书改编。
  • Jailed under a tough cop, an uneducated politician decides to spend his time studying for high school, while his scheming wife has plans of her own.
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