搜索 Pichana Yoosuk

  •   It all starts when 'Brick' receives a mysterious package. Inside the box is 'Anna', a sex doll AI system that can develop herself into a human being. Brick now has to sleep with eager Anna to test her functionality, or else he will be in a $50 million debt. As simple as it might seem, the fact that Brick is a virgin and afraid of women starts to complicate things.
  • 为了替父亲报仇,化身特工029加入神秘组织布撒巴。在接受训练期间,029与另一位女特工擦出了爱情的火花。在通过一系列考验后,029正式成为布撒巴的一员,执行一系列任务,殊不知这背后隐藏着更大的阴谋....@微博 亿万同人亚译联盟
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