搜索 Panchulidze

  • 格鲁吉亚库塔伊西一所学校门口的偶遇。Lisa和Giorgi撞到了一起,一本书掉在了地上。他们显然晕头转向,甚至没有告诉对方自己的名字,就安排了一次约会。这是一见钟情,就像被施了魔法一样,一切都开始变得生动起来:监控摄像头变成了邪恶的眼睛,排水管变成了神谕,他们闭上眼睛,然后-叮!这对恋人被诅咒了,注定第二天醒来后面目全非。但是,正是这个阻碍他们再次相遇的超自然障碍,成为他们进入一个完全由日常生活的魔力所统治的世界的门票-以简单的美、温柔的喜剧和对足球的热情,感染了年轻人和老年人,甚至是痰多的街边狗瓦尔迪。
  • The film is set in southern Georgia, which until the end of XIX century was dominated by the Ottoman Empire. The tragic time to be born people of high strength of spirit, such as Antimoz Iverieli - the philosopher-educator. Having experienced in childhood cruelty and injustice, it becomes the path of serving others. Having been removed by the Turks in Romania, a hero at any cost wants to return home. However hard and long this way. Sentenced to death, Antimoz remains in the memory of his countrymen champion of justice.
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