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  • 阿诺拉是布鲁克林的性工作者,她邂逅了一个商界寡头的儿子并在冲动之下嫁给了他,这让她以为自己像灰姑娘一样终于遇到自己的王子。然而当结婚消息传到了俄罗斯,男方父母来到纽约取消婚姻,破灭了的阿诺拉的童话。
  •   Max, a 25-year-old aspiring writer living in London, begins a double life as a sex worker in order to research his debut novel.
  •   Trapped in the padded white room of an abandoned asylum, a helpless man awakens, only to find himself chained down to a medical chair. There, a demented surgeon and his equally deranged assistant embark on a seemingly endless series of chirurgical tortures, unlocking new levels of pain and suffering, one excruciating procedure after another. Intent on harvesting the captive's endorphin-infused blood, the maniacal doctor mutilates the feeble flesh and breaks the naked bones, until the phial is filled with the life-giving substance. However, in this hellish purgatory of anguish and torment, the man finds the strength to cling to hope, as he keeps finding hand-written notes in his grim cell. Could there be another tormented patient in this nightmarish facility? Is there an escape from the never-ending agony?
  • 拉里、莫伊和科利·乔为波士顿一家野生动物保护杂志的编辑工作。他们把印刷室弄得一团糟,出版商因此解雇了他们,派他们去西部阻止屠杀野牛。他们一到那里,就发现自己被历史上所有臭名昭著的枪手追捕,包括怀亚特·厄普、狂野比尔·希克科克和杰西·詹姆斯。幸运的是,爱上这位英俊编辑的持枪女郎安妮·奥克利同意保护他们免受坏人的伤害。
  • 提姆在鄰居眼中是位孤僻怪老頭,他總是閉門不出,過著完全與世隔絕的生活,但隔壁一對熱心情侶-尼克和瓊仍常常來探訪他,幫忙採買生活用品。某天,提姆收到房子法拍通知書,他的周遭也開始陸續出現許多無法解釋的可怕事件,尼克和瓊亦被捲入其中,而他們發現所有的靈異現象都出現在提姆入睡之後…