搜索 Mercier

  • 有犯罪前科的艾美在一间旅馆上第一次夜班,不料十年前曾在此地发生过的一起骇人谋杀案,却将艾美受困在反覆目击恐怖事件的轮迴之中。她必须和昔日命案的受害者齐心协力,想办法摆脱嗜血如命的谋杀犯,并且尽可能拯救...
  • 在挚友遭到残忍谋杀后,十六岁的丽姿被指控为唯 一的嫌疑犯,戴上电子脚镣居家监控。两年后的法 庭上,好斗的检察官和辩护律师轮番攻防,甚至公 开探挖起丽姿的性生活。冷酷无情的质询、不断揭 露的秘密,原本全心捍卫女儿无罪的父母也逐渐动 摇,他们过往所了解的,真的是女儿的全部吗?
  • 在法国的日尔斯小镇上,街道旁充满了孩子们的欢声笑语。他们都处理生活中的一些简单的事情。他们发现生活也并不是那么容易。饥饿的孩子拿着喇叭对着邻居大喊。孤独的孩子为了引起人们的注意,到处制造麻烦。一个小女孩从高楼的窗口摔下来,街上的人都吓坏了,蜂拥过去,可小女孩笑呵呵地从草地上站起来说:“哈哈,我摔下来了。”她的母亲则当场晕倒。当一个严重的家庭暴力事件发生后,人们才发现孩子们的真实需求。
  •   Since 2014, in France, Restorative Justice has offered victims and perpetrators of offences the opportunity to dialogue through secure systems, supervised by professionals and volunteers such as Judith, Fanny or Michel. Nassim, Issa, and Thomas, sentenced for theft with violence, Gregoire, Nawelle and Sabine, victims of home jacking, robbery and purse snatching. Also Chloe, victim of incestuous rape, all engage in measures of Restorative Justice. On their journey, there is anger and hope, silence and words, alliances and heartbreaks, awareness and regained confidence. And at the end of the road, sometimes, reparation.
  • Zahid, "an American born Muslim who, after struggling with his Islamic roots, explores different aspects of the religion, leading to a deadly calling."
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