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  • 2024年4月1日当天,Sexy Zone成员佐藤胜利、菊池风磨、松岛聪宣布将团名改为timelesz,同时还透露他们将举办选秀活动招募新血。
  • 安德烈斯是一名在马德里工作的音乐老师,他不得不搬到巴斯克镇,在一所高中担任代课老师。他已经 40 多岁了,但一直没有克服舞台恐惧,他觉得新生活正在使他远离成为音乐家的梦想。当他到达那里时,在上学的第一天,他因为耳鸣而晕倒了:这是癌症。为了接受治疗,他必须乘坐“生命巴士”前往毕尔巴鄂的医院,这是一辆免费运送该地区所有患者的旧巴士。在与同伴分享的欢笑、坦白、经历和恐惧中,安德烈斯将获得力量,最终面对恐惧,实现登上舞台的梦想。
  • 2024年4月1日当天,Sexy Zone成员佐藤胜利、菊池风磨、松岛聪宣布将团名改为timelesz,同时还透露他们将举办选秀活动招募新血。   消息一出,立刻掀起热烈讨论,不只是因为活跃演艺圈的人气男团竟从普罗大众海选新成员,更因为选秀活动吸引了多达 18922 名参加者。timelesz 现任团员亲自出任评审,挑选生力军,本节目记录选秀过程。   为什么长青偶像男团会决定举办选秀?   谁又能脱颖而出,成为明日之星?   男团魂熊熊燃烧,参赛者全力以赴。
  •   Marco (Mario Casas) is a young businessman who manages one of the most successful technological companies in the world, ALVA, which has just launched its latest prototype into the market - CYCLONE, an electric car propelled by turbines that turn wind into energy. His friend and classmate Diego works with him, along with the latter's wife, Bárbara, the efficient marketing manager of the company. Eva, a young, ambitious engineer who has a lot to hide, also joins the team, and she will disrupt the balance at work, both emotionally and professionally, between the two business partners. In spite of being a popular guy, Marco, unlike Diego, doesn't have an exciting social life. He is a solitary man, and no one has access to the intimacy of his soul, apart from his psychologist, SARA, on whom he is emotionally dependent. Marco is haunted by a huge number of ghosts from his past and, although he tries hard to scare them away, he only finds comfort in sport and in frequenting a private club. People go there just to get pleasure and give free reign to their wildest erotic fantasies, without fear of falling in love, as everyone has to wear a mask to hide their faces. But everything changes when Marco meets Carol, the new educational psychologist who looks after his brother José, an 18-year-old boy with problems of autism, with whom he has a difficult relationship. With her, he will also meet his worst enemy - himself. Thanks to her, he will discover that it is never too late to love, even if it brings some pain along with it.
  • 故事发生在二战后的意大利,战争对于国家和人民的伤害无法估量,短时间内造成的痛苦和破坏,需要更漫长的时间才能痊愈。在这样一个动荡的时代中,穿梭着一群天真的孩子们的身影,他们是小小擦鞋童,帕斯克里特(弗朗科·英特朗吉FrancoInterlenghi饰)和居赛派(里纳尔多·斯默东尼RinaldoSmordoni饰)也是其中的成员。\r居赛派的哥哥是个坏胚子,在他的威逼利诱下,居赛派和帕斯克里特拿着自己辛辛苦苦赚来的血汗钱加入了诈骗团伙。警方逮捕了居赛派和帕斯克里特,在挑拨离间计谋的驱使下,帕斯特里克供出了主犯及其团伙,居赛派的哥哥随后落网。虽然罪恶得到了惩治,但两个孩子的童年也被永远的蒙上了阴影。