搜索 Majors

  • 在一座远离喧嚣都市的僻静山村,生活着一个普通6口家庭。小男孩吉米(Ridge Canipe 饰)周游在乡村各个角落,体会大自然的快意,间或帮助父母照顾山米(Holden Thomas Maynard 饰)、凯希(Kali Majors 饰)、纳森(Aiden Kersh 饰)这三个弟妹。他们的父亲(Joel Bryant 饰)是一个卡车司机,粗线条的男人自然很难感知妻子的辛劳。留守家中的母亲(Colleen Porch 饰)必须照顾一家人的起居用行,枯燥无聊且压力巨大的生活让这个女人的精神濒临崩溃。直到某天,悲剧终于在这个家中发生了。襁褓中的小内森通体冰冷,愤怒的妈妈又试图溺死凯希。   曾经温柔可亲的妈妈化身为恶魔,懂事善良的吉米该如何保护弟弟妹妹们呢……
  • 黑暗骑士,具有超凡能力的正义之士,这个神秘组织暗中执行正义,将法律无法伸张的恶徒就地正法,向街头犯罪宣战。   现代充满堕落、沈沦与腐败罪恶的城市,恐怖组织扬言释放致命的病毒毁灭人类,伊凡加入黑暗骑士组织,这才发现原来家族一直都是地下组织的领导人,而他的父母及组织里的其它组织成员遭受背叛,无一幸存,而人类最后的希望,就掌握在他手上…
  • Alone follows a writer seeking peace and solitude in the countryside in an attempt to recover from tragedy and finish her book. However, as the welcoming country house turns into a living hell, she soon realizes that her inner demons are not the worst of her problems.
  • The Colombian cartel runs a mission through Mexico to deliver cocaine into the United States while holding two young hostages. Their plan is exposed when a former Navy SEAL helps the DEA and Border Patrol rescue the two girls. When the cartel leader hears word of their moxia.cc capture, he plans to kidnap the former Navy man's family in return for his help with their next shipm...
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