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  •   The story about Swedish ambassador in Chile - Harald Edelstam - and his heroic actions to protect the innocent people from the execution during and after the military coup on September 11th 1973. We travel with Edelstam during the terrible moments just after the coup and follows his never-ending fight for human rights, law and order. What drove him? And what price did he end up paying for his total commitment? Haunted by his own demons the we experiences on close hand how a womanizer desperately searches to find love again, a task only doable, if he can fight his own past and redeem himself. After saving hundreds - maybe even thousands - he is challenged once more, this time to save his newfound love from the death penalty issued by the regime. Another impossible task and a desperate chase against time. Based on a true story about a man, that did, what all of us only dreams of. Written by Producer
  •   这是一部关于社交恐惧和情感障碍的故事。生活在奥立冈州的海岸小镇,弗兰的办公室日常了无生趣;偶尔侧听同事之间的对话,偶尔作作白日梦,偶尔思索死亡的意义,她自我孤立的状态,仿佛幽灵般地存在于人世。直到新同事罗伯特的出现,他的友善与爱意,打乱了她孤立平静的思绪。每次交谈,每个火花都搅乱她的每一根神经。然而,唯一阻碍他们之间的,是弗兰自己。本片以诗意且静謚的手法勾勒出爱、自我认同和观看世界的独特样貌。由知名英国女演员黛西·雷德利主演,内敛低调诠释呈现出人的内心与孤寂。
  • 《综艺大热门》,为三立都会台自2013年7月1日起首播的华人综艺节目,由吴宗宪、欧汉声、陈汉典、阿达、LULU主持。
  • 一个女的和七个男的故事。。。桐迪(pinky)是位漂亮的乡下女孩子,17岁,雄心勃勃,梦想着当明星,她跟在市场开店卖饭以及卖咖啡的爸爸(?????? ?????????),妈妈(???? ?????)一起生活,桐迪经常被妈妈骂,指使她从早到晚的干活,因为她不是他们的亲生孩子,只是妈妈收养来干活的。桐迪的美貌非常吸引男孩子,但是桐迪很爱惜自己不允许任何人碰,除了pitsut(?????-????????? ??????????/????? ????????????),因为除了相貌好,学历高之外,他还是公务员的孩子,桐迪梦想着跟他能有舒适的生活,二人偷吃禁果,PITSUT给桐迪取了个新的名字叫:tongpragai”由于迷恋桐迪的魅力,pitsut荒废学业,瞒着桐迪的爸妈来她家留宿,但桐迪的爸爸因肺结核去世没几天,他们就被妈妈抓住并被赶出了家门,桐迪问妈...
  • Set in 1979 Western Australia. A power strike threatens to plunge the region into darkness, while the city hosts the iconic Miss Universe pageant and the US space station, Skylab, crashes just beyond the city's suburbs.