搜索 Leona Britt

  • #好莱坞影讯# 史蒂文·索德伯格下一部导演作品浮出水面,其将执导新片[冷酷不够热](KIMI),佐伊·克罗维兹领衔主演,该片也将在HBO Max首映。影片剧本由大卫·凯普撰写,讲述了一位有人群心理障碍的技术工作者,在普通数据流审阅过程中发现了暴力犯罪的记录证据,并尝试在其公司的指挥系统中进行报告。面对强大阻力和官僚主义,她意识到为了参与其中,她将不得不做她最担心的事情——离开她的公寓。
  •   For the past thirty years Rucker the trucker has devoted his life to travelling the road as a mass serial killer. When Rucker picks up unsuspecting Maggie (Cheyenna Lee), she makes him the subject of her trucker documentary.  However, her life takes a dangerous detour when Rucker recruits her to complete his masterpiece: A connect-the-dots roadmap portrait of his ex-wife comprised of the women he’s killed who resemble her…
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