搜索 Krauss

  •   如果伤痛能够像壁虎的尾巴,重新愈合……过失杀人,隐藏罪责,这个命题作文真是已经被拍了无数电影。本片将故事移到了浪漫南法,五个女人一起上演了一出悬疑大剧。
  • 继承克罗地亚小岛上的一座房子后,这名女子心血来潮地踏上了一段旅行,不仅重获生活的喜悦,也再次打开了爱情之门。
  • In this notorious Nazi propaganda historical costume melodrama, a conniving, ambitious Jewish businessman, Suess Oppenheimer, snares a post as treasurer to the Duke of Wurttemburg by showering the corrupt duke with treasure and promises of even greater riches. As the Jew's schemes grow more elaborate and his actions more brazen, the dukedom nearly erupts into civil war. Persuaded by the Jew, the Duke all but scuttles the constitution and alienates the assembly by lifting the local ban on Jews in Stuttgart. In a final outrage, the Jew rapes a wholesome German girl and tortures her father and fiancee. When the Duke succumbs to a sudden heart attack, the assembly of Elders try the Jew and sentence him to death for having carnal knowledge of a Christian woman.    Summary written by Kevin Rayburn
  •   穿越时间,从人类繁盛的现在到黑洞蒸发,再到宇宙的尽头,时间的终结。沧海桑田与之相比也不过一息之间。  本片的音乐为melodysheep。最喜欢的是黑洞的部分,从大小黑洞合并的鼓声,到黑洞蒸发的圆舞曲,震撼无比。  本片解说众多,包括来自BBC的著名解说David Attenborough老爷子,里面有关黑洞蒸发部分的解说使用的是Stephen Hawking 的原音。  建议豆瓣在分类增加科普或科学分类。这已经不像是科幻,但是没得选。
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