搜索 Kellerman

  • Claire Lescot is a famous prima donna. All men want to be loved by her. Among them is the young scientist Einar Norsen. When she mocks at him, he leaves her house with the declared intention to kill himself... But the story is much less important than the scenery this movie intended to be a manifesto of the modern decorative arts.
  • 导演罗伯特.奥尔特曼在七十代曾经红极一时,本片是当年的代表作描述在韩战工作间,两名美国军医,在前线的野战医院服役时视战争如无物,终日不是泡女护士“热唇”,就是在营区中打高尔夫球。编导用黑色喜剧的夸张笑料借古讽今,对当时正打得如火如萘的越南战争大加挖苦,从而达到其反战目的,在艺术性与娱乐性两方面均有可观之处。后来因电影卖座轰动,还发展成同名电视影集播出多年。
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