搜索 Kars

  • The movie will be a romantic film featuring two people who are not right for each other. The story is about Prajakta's character who is a tech wizard and the guy who is interested in her.
  • The movie will be a romantic film featuring two people who are not right for each other. The story is about Prajakta's character who is a tech wizard and the guy who is interested in her.
  •   The movie will be a romantic film featuring two people who are not right for each other. The story is about Prajakta's character who is a tech wizard and the guy who is interested in her.
  • 少年阿賈一心嚮往到世界各地探險,但爸爸卻要他繼承手藝當裁縫師;神秘的鄰居爺爺以找回失散已久的孫女作為交換,出借飛翔魔毯給阿賈去實現夢想。帶著好友山羊拉雅,阿賈登毯高飛、飛向廣大未知的世界,經歷了精彩刺激的奇幻歷險,體會了友情與親情的難能可貴。
  •   平静的郊外社区,小有名气的画家大卫·安德纳赫(麦德斯·米科尔森 Mads Mikkelsen 饰)与隔壁女邻居有染。某天当他鬼混时,女儿里奥妮(Valeria Eisenbart 饰)却在自家泳池溺毙。该事件直接导致他和妻子玛雅(洁西卡·史瓦兹 Jessica Schwarz 饰)的婚姻破裂,悲伤自责的大卫自暴自弃,一度试图自杀了结生命。被好友马克思(Tim Seyfi 饰)从死亡边缘拉回后的夜晚,大卫跟随一只神秘而美丽的蝴蝶穿过一条通道,竟意外回到了5年前事故发生的那一刻,成功救下女儿的性命。悲剧人生似乎发生转机,然而随后一连串的连锁事件却让他陷入命运漩涡,难以抽身……  本片荣获2010年德国影评人协会最佳影片奖。