搜索 Juan Manuel Bernal

  •   When 13-year-old seminarian Sacramento Santos joins a new order, he hopes to rise through levels of obedience to “Perfect Obedience”. But this progression proves to be more than just a spiritual journey. Sacramento is adopted by the order's founding father, Ángel de la Cruz, and over the course the year they fall in love and surrender to the most intense, blissful, and contradictory episode of their lives. Years later, older and wiser, Sacramento leaves the order regretting that episode, and he decides to seek justice from his old tutor.
  • 年輕貌美的克拉拉,周旋於神秘作家諾曼及多位男子之間;某天當她遭受諾曼的侵犯,憤而對諾曼提出告訴。原以為法律會還她公道,並對諾曼做出制裁;卻沒想到怪事接踵而至。諾曼的妻女意外陳屍家中,緊接著克拉拉的父母、男友竟相繼身亡。克拉拉不得不懷疑這一切不是意外,而是和諾曼的瘋狂行徑與信仰有關。當她求助於記者,企圖將諾曼的惡行公諸於世,卻令自己深陷險境。究竟這一切都是意外,還是一場無形的殺戮?
  • 《女当家》以墨西哥亿万富翁的权势世界为背景,讲述了一个从龙舌兰酒生意起家的墨西哥商业帝国传奇,讲述了家族多代之间代价高昂的恩怨纷争,以及其中一位家族成员决定与她的家族帮助建立的肮脏系统抗争而引发的斗争。
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