搜索 Josefina

  • Two women spend a weekend together at the North Sea. Walks on the beach, fish buns at a snack stand, mobile weather forecasts. Sky, horizon, water. One of them will soon return to her family in Argentina while the other one will try to come a step closer to the ocean. She travels to the Caribbean and the foreign makes her vulnerable. Then, the land is out of sight. On a sailing vessel she crosses the Atlantic Ocean. One wave follows the other, they never resemble. Thoughts go astray, time leaves the beaten track and the swell lulls to deep sleep. The sea takes over the narration. And when the other one reappears in it, the wind is still in her hair while the ground beneath her feet is solid. She returns and the one of them could ask Have you changed
  • Six acclaimed foreign directors will shoot short films about Istanbul. Unutma Beni Istanbul (Do Not Forget Me Istanbul) is part of a project carried out within the scope of the city being European Capital of Culture 2010.
  •   盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔将主演帕布罗·拉雷恩([第一夫人])执导的[厄玛](Ema,暂译),吉列尔莫·考尔德隆([追捕聂鲁达])与亚历杭德罗·莫雷诺(Alejandro Moreno)共同操刀剧本,其他加盟的卡司包括玛丽安娜·迪·吉罗拉莫(Mariana Di Girolamo)、桑地亚哥·卡布瑞拉(《大小谎言》)。加西亚与玛丽安娜饰演一对夫妻,在经历了一场收养后,整个家庭都分崩离析。这也是继[智利说不]、[追捕聂鲁达]之后加西亚与帕布罗第三度合作。影片已在智利开拍。
  • 讲述一个非同寻常的家庭——马利加家族的故事,他们隐居在哥伦比亚的山区一座神奇的房子里,生活在一个充满活力的小镇:一个奇妙的、充满魅力的地方,奇迹谷。奇迹谷的魔力使这个家庭的每个孩子都拥有独特魔法天赋,从超强大神力到治愈他人的能力……除了米拉贝(斯蒂芬妮·比翠丝 Stephanie Beatriz 配音)。
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