搜索 Ilyas

  •   Forensic scientist Lisa is obsessed with the beauty of the human body, and believes that physical love heals, gives relief from the burden of trauma and problems. Therefore, she leads an extremely free lifestyle and quite often enters into casual relationships for one night. But one day on the sectional table in front of Lisa is the body of a girl with whom she spent the night the night before. A photograph of an unknown man is printed on the body of the victim.
  • 开心出游,小心搭上人生殁班车…   为了庆祝自己癌症好转,月儿(哈娜普林蒂娜 饰)邀请妹妹小花(札拉莱奥拉 饰)一同前往深山渡假村散心。当她们搭上直达渡假村的「桑卡拉列车」时,恐怖怪事接踵而至,火车监视器惊见骇人异象。更可怕的是,每次经过隧道,就有一节车厢惨遭血腥浩劫,接着消失不见…. 隧道内藏了什么?而这台列车的终点站竟是…?
  • A girl flees her orphanage in a paranoid belief that otherworldly forces are after her. She seeks refuge in the remote town of Fate, Texas, but is met with hostility. The residents are about to enter her Hell.
  • 开心出游,小心搭上人生殁班车…
  • 法医Lisa痴迷于人体的美丽,她相信肉体的爱能治愈,能缓解创伤和问题的痛苦。因此,她过着一种极其自由的生活方式,经常在一个晚上进入随意的关系。但是有一天,丽莎面前的桌子上有一具女孩的尸体,她前一天晚上和她一起过夜。受害者的尸体上印着一张不知名男子的照片。。。
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