- Activist and comedian W. Kamau Bell muses on parenting in the Trump era, "free speech" dustups, woke children's TV and his fear of going off the grid.
- 她的情史是一部歐洲藝術史 世人說她是維也納最知名的風流寡婦,從馬勒、葛羅培斯、克林姆至柯克西卡,全都拜倒在她的石柳裙下,她的美麗是男人追尋的繆斯;她的自由奔放、恣意縱情是藝術家創作的泉源,她是古斯塔夫?馬勒的遺孀愛爾瑪?馬勒。馬勒說「一個家只能有一個作曲家」於是她隱藏自己的音樂天分,在婚後扮演賢內助,直到馬勒離世,她仍堅守著「馬勒之妻」的名份。1912年的春天,愛爾瑪邂逅了青年藝術家奧斯卡?柯克西卡並且墜入愛河,傳世鉅作「風中的新娘」於是誕生。然而,在兩人愛得難分難捨之際,愛爾瑪也同時與德國建築師情人華特?葛羅培斯藕斷絲連。周旋在眾情人之間,她熱烈地愛著每一個情人,卻從未有誰能完完全全擁有全部的她。於是,男人對她的癡迷化為創作的養分,在與她相愛的日子裡,他們的藝術生涯也到達了顛峰。
- This movie was the most illogical and stupid movie EVER made. If the FBI would have been called in once it was officially a kidnapping, the movie would have been over in 20 minutes and all of the people involved would have been in jail. Instead, the people searching for the kidnapped kid, bumble their way through two hours of absolutely unpredictable stupidity.