搜索 Ghani

  • The gripping true story of a young man’s journey from hero to alleged war criminal, the determined lawyer on his tail, and their search for truth in the fog of war.   Anthony Boyle plays the real-life soldier Brian Wood, accused of war crimes in Iraq by the tenacious human rights lawyer Phil Shiner, played by Toby Jones.   The two men go head to head in a legal and moral conflict t...
  • 20世纪80年代,中亚国家阿富汗陷入连绵的战火之中。国家饱受摧残,人民流离失所。无情的轰炸摧毁了老人达斯塔戈(阿卜·拉贾尼 Abdul Ghani 饰)所在的村庄和家园,他的亲人几乎全部遇难,只有5岁的孙子亚辛(贾温·马德·何马翁 Jawan Mard Homayoun 饰)幸免于难,却也被爆炸声震聋了双耳。老人强忍着悲痛,带着孙子前往远方的矿区寻找儿子,要告诉他家中所遭遇的厄运。死者长已矣,生者却仍要在漫漫长路上奔波劳顿……
  •   褪去鞋袜,让裸露的脚掌感受泥土地的雀跃芬香。脏污了也无妨。印着碎花布的长裙打转着打转着,舞一曲手風琴的欢欣。陌生人呀,我从未见过像你一樣碧绿的眼眸,今晚你毋须忧心歇脚的地方,安详睡在我臂湾离好吗?  Swing.摇摆吉普赛.依然是一个白人闯入了吉普赛人的世界,只不过这次是个孩子.两个孩子与音乐,故事简单了许多,但结尾仍然是离别与大火.吉普赛人死后财产不会被保留,而是在一把大火中化为灰烬,活着的人要继续走在路上.
  • The alphas rescue Dr. Rosen's estranged alpha daughter from an assassin. She carries a carefully coded message stolen from Red Flag. But Dr. Rosen suspects it's a ruse which leads him to  take precipitous action.
  • 该片改编自真实事件,讲述一名年轻的伊拉克警察被尼尼微的特种部队从交火中救出,此后加入了一支10人小队,他们筹划游击行动,要从ISIS手中夺回自己的家园。
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