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  •   In the sequel to the found footage classic, "The House on Mansfield Street," the unsettling mysteries persist in the quiet neighborhood. James Waring goes missing after moving in with his friend Anthony on Mansfield Street, where they are disturbed by the sounds of violent fights from the supposedly vacant house next door. To unravel the enigma, they befriend Laura, a seemingly helpful neighbor with a claim of expertise in banishing supernatural disturbances through witchcraft. However, as they seek her assistance, they inadvertently unlock an ancient evil that threatens their very existence.
  •   《追影逐凶》聚焦的是一个失踪人口调查分队,他们的任务就是追查那些专门针对社会上的弱势人群下手的连环杀手,Reece Shearsmith此次饰演的是Sean Stone是一个患有社交障碍的人,执迷于破解各种暗号,并从中发现行为模式。
  • 故事讲述Joe O’Loughlin医生,他看似拥有完美的生活——一个忠诚的妻子、一个可爱的女儿,作为临床心理学家事业有成,媒体出镜率高,还有一本书籍的出版合同。Joe在自己工作的医院里,救下了一名打算从十楼跳下自杀的病人,由此成为了网络上人人讨论的英雄。   一名年轻女性尸体在西伦敦公墓的浅坑中被发现后,资深警官Vincent Ruiz督察和年轻的搭档Riya Devi警长被派来负责调查。作为成功的作家,Joe医生经常被他人咨询意见,当他遇到Devi警长时,却过分主动提供帮助。爱冒险、乐于打破规则的Joe有隐藏什么吗?他最近刚被诊断患有一种使人衰弱的疾病,这或许可以解释他的行为。   随着针对Catherine之死调查的深入,大家不禁怀疑Joe是否有着秘密的一面,他作为临床心理学的工作,是否让他形成了犯罪思维倾向,甚至更糟?
  •   Faced with the prospect of a dim future in his impoverished village, young Shankar bids farewell to his family in rural Bengal and makes a journey to the fabled "Mountain Of The Moon" in search of gold and diamond mines.
  • 失去了罗斯的博士正在心灰意冷,而正在举行婚礼的多娜却被突然传送到塔迪斯里。博士带坏脾气的多娜返回地球,却被一群外星机器人追杀,塔迪斯上演了一场公路飚车。后来博士发现多娜身上带有异常含量的Huon粒子,而该粒子来源于上一代宇宙霸主。而博士的母星加利弗雷在宇宙中崛起时,已经消灭了所有的Huon粒子。最终博士揭开了一个藏于地球40亿年的秘密。