搜索 Dwi

  • At a quiet motel, a rising star in the film industry must confront her past as she navigates her flourishing career and delicate personal relationships.
  •   西蒙是一个犹太家庭银行家的最后继承人。他的叔叔答应他,他娶了一个犹太女孩的病情他自己的财富。问题:西蒙是同性恋,他从来没有碰过女人,除了他已经把他的背部上的家庭传统。但他的母亲迫使西蒙以满足罗莎莉鲍曼,出生于纽约的哈西德派的传统。她属于疯狂地爱上。一个棘手的爱,尤其是当西蒙,成为了父亲,不得不接受异性恋世界,剩下的同性恋者……
  • 印度尼西亚每天使用 9300 万根一次性吸管。它们与其他塑料废物一起最终进入海洋,分解成微塑料,被海洋生物吃掉,最后出现在我们的盘子里供我们食用。这部纪录片改编自电影制片人在全国各地拍摄的一系列电影,向印度尼西亚人展示他们所面临的问题的严重性。巴厘岛歌手格德·罗比 (Gede Robi) 将塑料污染问题作为他个人的奋斗目标。他与来自东爪哇的生物学家兼河流守卫普里吉·阿里桑迪 (Prigi Arisandi) 联手,抗议印度尼西亚进口废塑料。他们一起收集有关塑料污染程度的证据。他们会见专家、活动人士并进行研究(包括对他们自己的研究),以了解塑料对我们的环境和健康的影响。
  •   当罗伊和伊莱恩·基南意识到他们的家庭正在逐渐疏远时,他们决定必须采取行动。罗伊迫使自己放下工作,他们抓住机会重现过去的一次度假经历。一个宁静的古朴酒店住宿正是他们所需要的,然而,等待他们的却并非如此。四个精神失常的杀手在看似平凡的走廊里巡逻,基南一家显然处于不利地位。罗伊必须为自己的生命和家人的生命而战,因为他们简单的周末度假真正变成了一次致命的旅行。
  •   LIFE ON TOP is a new erotic television series exploring the sex-filled adventures of four young women striving to make it in Manhattan.  Sophie, an ambitious but na?ve business school graduate who just broke up with her college boyfriend, moves to New York intent on making her mark at a venture capital firm. She's shocked when she arrives at her older sister Bella's fabulous city apartment and discovers that gorgeous, confident and outgoing Bella is also a very successful and much in demand erotic model with plenty of scandalous secrets to reveal. But Bella, who is not as tough as she seems, is also facing the reality of the limited lifespan of her beauty-obsessed profession and yearning for a more stable and meaningful relationship with that one special person.  While Sophie is still burdened with some old-fashioned ideas about sexuality, she's also envious of Bella's glamorous, liberated girl-about-town lifestyle. And then there's all those beautiful new people she'll get to meet. There's so much more to learn about life and love from an ever-expanding group of vibrant, sexually-charged girlfriends and the men who hover around them.  LIFE ON TOP is based on the upcoming St. Martin's novel by Clara Darling.