搜索 Drego

  •   艾玛和大卫结婚7年,共同照顾两个孩子,生活虽然平淡,但是还算幸福,大卫却感觉艾玛似乎总是心事重重。为了庆祝结婚纪念日,两人相约在酒店见面。艾玛盛装出席,大卫因为堵车迟迟未到。鲍勃见艾玛一人独自饮酒便前来搭讪,两人互相试探,艾玛声称自己叫爱丽丝,在一家金融公司上班。大卫赶到后发现妻子和陌生男人相谈甚欢,便也佯装不认识凑了过去。酒后,他们各自回到房间。在大卫睡着后,艾玛留下字条说去买药,便来到了鲍勃的房间。原来鲍勃此次接近艾玛是有明确目的,他们都是杀手组织的成员,艾玛因为家庭犹豫着不想再做雇佣杀手,她深爱她的家人。但是,鲍勃希望他们能够合作,情急之下,艾玛为了自救杀掉了鲍勃。次日,艾玛声称商务旅行离开家中。随着警察对酒店杀人事件调查,大卫必须接受调查。警方和大卫交代了妻子的真实身份。大卫也在家中发现了藏有妻子秘密的盒子。大卫深爱着艾玛,他希望他们可以一起面对一切,他独自前往德国,希望能得知真相。艾玛希望全家人可以换一个身份换一个国家生活,从此摆脱警方和组织的追捕,却不料组织已经找到了他们。经过一番打斗,夫妻二人被组织带走。艾玛醒后发现全家人都被抓住,她的养母希望她抛弃“妻子”和“母亲”的角色,继续做回杀手,并且亲手杀掉大卫来了结这一切。艾玛假装答应,最后带着大卫反杀并救出了两个孩子,最后一家人团聚。
  • It is winter in a prestigious all boys' boarding school, where children continue to practice age-old rituals and codes bound by years of hierarchy of the popular norm. Shay is picked at constantly, the main perpetrators being Arjun, the tall athletic sports captain and his best friend Baadal. Shay and Prithi, the spunky daughter of the new Junior School Principal are cast as Bassanio and Portia in the Founders Day production of Merchant of Venice. Murali, the charismatic drama teacher unknowingly adds salt to Baadal's wounds by casting him as Shay's understudy. Indignant, Baadal vows to get Shay's part at any cost and turns to his buddy Arjun for help. Events take a sinister turn when Shay walks in on Arjun, Baadal and their cronies on a debauched night.
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