搜索 Dano

  •   福斯(Peakpeemapol 饰)一直以为自己和女友阿金之间的感情十分亲密,对其深深信赖,哪知道某一日竟然在意外之中得知了阿金一脚踏两船的秘密。深受打击的福斯只能够借酒消愁,在派对上喝得东倒西歪,不省人事。同学阿提将福斯送回了家,哪知道那一夜,两人之间竟然产生了说不清道不明的奇异感情。  布克是一班之长,同时又是不解风情的学霸,最近,他惨遭女友抛弃,悲伤和愤怒之下,他下载了交友软件,希望能够靠此终结自己的处子之身。通过交友软件,布克结识了名为福瑞姆(Ohmpawat 饰)的男子,然而,布克并不知道的是,福瑞姆是圈内有名的花花公子。布克和福瑞姆共度了令两人难忘的一夜,正是这一夜,改变了两人的一生。
  • 帮派头目佩佩被他的敌对帮派和警察追捕,所以他跑向他信任的旧情人贝拉。但当警方悬赏抓获他时,这种信任就动摇了。
  • Peter (Sean de Guzman) was a videographer for weddings and events. However, on his free time (which is a lot lately), he hung out in a remote picturesque lakeside camping area where couples came to do their coupling in open air. Peter would stalk these couples and sneakily take videos of their lovemaking while getting himself off. He would then post these sex videos on an onlin...
  • Chef Jack and his assistant Leonard will travel through the Culinary Islands to participate in the biggest gastronomic competition in the world and, thus, try to defeat their opponents