搜索 Bobo

  •   Kalix, a student hailing from a family of doctors who decided to tread a different path and take up Legal Management at a University. During that, he crosses paths with Luna, an Architecture student from the University of Santo Tomas.
  •   A group of Czech artists choose to ignore the realities of Nazi occupation in this brooding experimental war drama. When a pretty female refugee comes to town seeking help, she awakens the sexual desires of all the men, but the only one who helps her is a sympathetic sculptor. When she is allegedly killed, the man sends the artists who refused to aid the woman death masks of the victim. All later conclude that the woman was not mortal.
  • 贝琳达得知关系疏远的父亲事酒店大亨。随后,在一位迷人律师的帮助下,她稀里糊涂的一头扎进了崭新而复杂的生活方式
  • 本片是迪士尼1981年出品的《狐狸与猎狗》的外传,故事回到了小狐狸陶德与小猎狗小铜的小时候。当时陶德(乔纳什·波波 Jonah Bobo 配音)与小铜(Harrison Fahn 配音)已经成为十分要好的朋友,每当小铜觉得自己一无是处的时候,陶德总会鼓励它重拾信心。一天,一个由猎狗组合成的表演团来到此地,这让小猎狗小铜简直乐翻天,他不但认识了许多跟自己同类的狗朋友,甚至还发掘了自己的表演天份。然而随着库伯越来越走红,陶德开始心怀妒忌,觉得自己被忽视了。而想要跟著表演团远离家乡四处去巡迴表演,面对这样的情况,陶德要如何留住好朋友呢?陶德和小铜的这段友谊再次受到考验。  本片于2006年的年底在美国推出上市,本片是以直接发行影音产品的方式发行。
  •   Charles, and Kyle are three private investigators that specialize in missing persons cases. Mickey and her team get in way over there heads when they cross a serial killer who has three very nasty pets that have a taste for human flesh. The team must do what the can to stay alive and to save the killer's next prey before its to late.
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