搜索 Bier

  •   “The Shakedown” follows the story of Justin Diamond (Carl Beukes), a well-respected medical aid broker who gets mixed up in the Cape Town underworld after his mistress threatens to reveal the secret of their affair. The plot thickens as Justin’s desperate attempts to maintain his golden boy reputation lead him down a path filled with dangerous criminals, mistaken identities and comic mishaps. When he teams up with his black sheep brother, Dovi (Emmanuel Castis), a comedy of errors ensues, with the chaos only escalating as Justin tries to regain control of his life.
  • 一个15岁的女孩从美国的一个小镇搬到巴黎学习芭蕾舞,但当她发现一本家庭咒语书时,她的舞蹈梦想发生了超自然的转变,并意外地向她的生活中释放了神奇的奥秘。
  • 地狱的看门犬刻耳柏洛斯仍然戴着口套,但现在他被称为雷纳,拥有女人的乳房和声线,黑皮夹克上镶满铆钉,拿着狗仔相机。他在彼岸世界与我们交谈,详细介绍了野蛮人科南的历次转世,那是一位来自古代的嗜血亚马逊女战士。
  •   亚历山大·斯特恩,又名艾斯,是一名私家侦探,有一位非常要好的小兄弟玛克丝。一日,日本人村田找到他,雇佣他寻找一位老妇人,要和她进行一笔房产交易,但是老妇人在克鲁律师的协助下,已经将房产卖给其他人。  日本人又盯上另一处房产,房产的主人便是玛克丝的外祖父格诺,但是格诺在去往律师事务所的途中被人杀害,艾斯亲眼目睹了这一切。格诺的继承人是玛克丝的母亲格蒂——一个患有精神病的妇人,不幸的是,格蒂也被神秘暗杀了,而艾斯仍旧是目击者。  玛克丝成了唯一的合法继承人,而他似乎正被克鲁律师所控制,艾斯要救他的兄弟于危难之中,没想到,自己却无故进了警察局,接受审讯。与此同时,玛克丝已将房产卖给了村田,准备带着钱环游世界,愿望没达成,他被克鲁的人杀死了。  艾斯以为这一切结束了,这时,克鲁出现了,他告诉艾斯,其实,玛克丝才是真正的幕后黑手……
  • The plot introduces us to compulsive gambler Sergio, who, despite having promised his partner that he has overcome his accursed addiction, receives a tip-off about a rigged football match. Fully intending to get back all of the money he has lost recently, he returns to his regular betting shop, intent on winning. Everything seems to be going swimmingly, when suddenly Alejo, ano...