搜索 Backhouse

  • 该剧讲述了一个大家庭和四个年轻人被斯卡和双音音乐的世界所吸引的故事。斯卡和双音音乐于70年代末和80年代初在考文垂和伯明翰的基层爆发,将黑人、白人和亚洲青年团结在一起。它预计将于1981年在一个巨大的社会紧张和动荡的时刻开放。在这样的背景下,它讲述了一个故事……
  • 二战期间,为避免整个欧洲落入纳粹魔爪,英国对纳粹德国宣战。一批批志愿者来到了英国,加入与德军战斗的队伍,年轻的南非空军上尉厄尔·柯克牺牲了和平幸福的家庭生活,自愿加入英国皇家空军。在一次执行轰炸任务中,飞机被击中,他和战友一起跳伞到纳粹占领地,德军党卫军对他们进行了搜捕,厄尔·柯克必须带领机组人员逃离纳粹的追捕,否则,等待他们的将是死亡…
  •   The series tells the story of an extended family and four young people who are drawn into the world of ska and two-tone music, which exploded from the grassroots of Coventry and Birmingham in the late 70s and early 80s, uniting black, white, and Asian youths.  It is expected to open in 1981 at a moment of huge social tensions and unrest. Against this backdrop, it tells the story of a group of young people fighting to choose their own paths in life, and each in need of the second chance that music offers.
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