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  •  女主是一名拍片的女优,时常在晚上发布一些不露脸的大尺度照片,有一天女主的姐姐带来了男友到家里暂住,男友发现小姨子的举止动作和家中的程设摆列很像网上一个关注已久的女优,而男主决定一探究竟的时候,竟然发现,这个小姨子真的就是自己在网上爱慕已久的女优,他曾经YY无数遍的想法,终于可以如愿以偿....
  • 18世纪后期朝鲜淑宗时代,前院副使公子李梦龙(曹承佑饰)在端午节那天遇到了成春香(李孝贞饰),一个母亲曾是妓女的美丽少女。娇俏的春香留下句谜语给他,“大雁随鱼飞,蝴蝶随花舞,小蟹随贝居”。梦龙左思右想,终于猜到谜底,晚上前去拜会春香。尽管地位悬殊,俩人的感情日益加深。然而,好梦不长,梦龙父亲因为政绩显著,升迁至大内,梦龙必须离开南原赶赴汉城,他许诺等他通过了殿试,必将把春香接到汉城作为合法妻子。南原御使卞学道(李政宪饰)看中春香美貌,搬出法律条文“一入娼门则永世为妓”诬陷春香是妓女。春香宁死不屈,恼羞成怒的御使毒打她,并以莫须有的罪名将她投入牢狱。春香唯一的依靠就是她的信念和梦龙的誓言。幸好此时梦龙已中状元,成为钦差大臣来到当地,他拯救出春香并惩罚了御使的恶行
  • The chasity of the most beautiful women of the Joseon has fallen! Maewol-dang is a gisaeng house located on the outskirts of Hanyang in the early Joseon times. With madame Wol-gi in the lead, there are Nok-su, Chunhyang, Sim-cheong and other beautiful gisaeng's living there. One day a party happens in the gisaeng house and the reason is Wol-hyang's long time lover and Lord Park Pan-seo has come back to Hanyang for the first time in 8 years. Nok-su has always been jealous of the Madame position so she schemes to seduce Lord Park and take over authority.   One rainy night, a woman in a Kimono bangs the door of the Maewol-dang. Servant Kong-ji opens the door and this Japanese geisha named Namikko asks to meet Wol-hyang. Meanwhile, the next morning, a male servant named Dol-se is found dead, stabbed by a hairpin that Chunhyang lost and hell breaks loose in Maewol-dang. Wol-hyang's close nephew Lord Lee Joon-ki comes to Maewol-dang to rest his weak body. He attracts the attention of all the gisaengs in the house for his boyish looks and the gisaeng's dream of romance with this pretty Lord. Who is this Lord with a hint of sexiness? The gisaengs try their best to look their best for this Lord...
  • 男主和妻子感情进入冷淡期,男主甚至宁愿看片撸也不愿意碰妻子,寂寞难耐的妻子只能将欲火发泄在来维修家电的维修工人身上,久而久之,愈演愈烈,男主竟然意外发现了奸情,看着自己的妻子被别的男人消遣,让男主重新点燃了欲火,甚至还开始跟妻子玩起了一些新花样....
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