搜索 雅各布·豪伯格

  • 17世纪中期,丹麦国王弗雷德里克五世为了增加税收,宣布对广袤的日德兰岛荒原进行殖民。但是当地土地贫瘠,强梁横行,数十年来许多征服者都无功而返,甚至命丧他乡。直到名叫路德维格·卡伦(麦斯·米科尔森 Mads Mikkelsen 饰)的士兵站了出来。路德维格出身卑微,饱受轻视,但是他提出用自己退休金来征服荒原,于是终于说服了政府官员。这个坚毅的男人来到充满凶险的陌生之地,经过一番辛苦和博弈终于建立起了国王之家。然而当地的地头蛇并不会轻易将到嘴边的土地让给这个外来户,因此威逼利诱要路德维格就范。双方互不让步,争斗在所难免……
  • The exact details of what took place while Talib Ben Hassi, 19, was in police custody remain unclear. Police officers Jens and Mike are on routine patrol in Svaleg?rden’s ghetto when news of Talib’s death comes in over the radio, igniting uncontrollable pent-up rage in the ghetto’s youth who lust for revenge. Suddenly, the two officers find themselves in a fair game and must fi...
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